Mar 16, 2023
With Nina Müller, Ethical Commerce Alliance Director and host of the Ethical Allies podcast.
This was a pretty active season in terms of regulatory updates and decisions or guidelines coming out of supervisory bodies:
Spain’s AEPD issued a decision on the use of Google Analytics by the Royal Academy of Spanish...
Mar 9, 2023
Nicola Newitt is a UK qualified lawyer who trained in private practice and worked at Slaughter and May before moving in-house to start her privacy career in Bupa’s international health insurance business. She is now Senior Privacy and Product Counsel at InfoSum, a leading Data Clean Room.
With Nicola we have covered a...
Mar 3, 2023
Joana is Partner at Cuatrecasas, where she leads the Technology, Media and Telecom team. She has also worked for 3 years at ANACOM, Portugal's telecom and media regulator and one of the two supervisory authorities when it comes to the ePrivacy Directive in Portugal, the other being the Portuguese Data...